
Hello World!

Welcome to my blog, Water, Politics and Africa. Over the next three months I will commence on a journey to explore how these three keywords overlap, trying to answer questions, explore resources, uncover connections and understand current events. The focus of the blog will be on the domestic water supply sector, although I will possibly venture into other sectors if the opportunity presents itself.
Water, the most fundamental human necessity, has always been political. In today's Africa, water is in many places contested and scarce. Regimes and groups of all sorts fight for power. Ideologies are put to the test. Foreign corporations wish to further their interests. Traditional ways collide with modern technologies. Who will come out on top? Who will the water belong to?

Be welcome, comment and share, stay tuned.


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  2. Hi, I would like to follow your blog, but there is no link to do that, could you maybe unblock the option? Thanks!

    1. Dear Louisa,
      Thank you for your comment and your interest in my blog. I had a look at the settings of my blog but unfortunately I couldn't find any such option. Do you know how to do this?


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