The Privatisation of South Africa’s Domestic Water Supply, Part I

Welcome back to this latest edition of Water, Politics and Africa where we are going to look further at the privatisation of domestic water supply in Africa, turning out attention to two regions in South Africa. Recap Last week’s post investigated water use in the East African countries of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, and the conclusion was that since the late 60s circumstances have in many ways deteriorated to a shocking extent. Often discussed as a possible cause of this issue is privatisation, with “privatisation of water and health services in East Africa [having] taken place on a grand scale since the structural adjustment era of the 1980s, but not in ways that fit easily with the World Bank or IMF prescriptions” ( Thompson et al., 2000 ). However, while privatisation has certainly brought some predictable troubles with it (such as street vendors of expensive water having an interest in piped supply of water failing), researchers ( Thompson et al., 2001 ; Bayliss, 2003 ) ...