The Implementation Gap, Part II
...continued from Part I.... (citations by Golooba-Mutebi, 2012 unless otherwise noted) Golooba-Mutebi goes on to list many examples of poor implementation efforts in Uganda and Rwanda, which however can likely be seen as universal problems that occur in many environments with similar conditions. One of these is that both recently expanded institutions and private actors simply lack “the capacity, the experience and the organisational sophistication” for their jobs. District officials, as in Masaka district, are hopelessly overstretched and mismanaged to the point where they frequently give up on carrying out their jobs properly, resulting in a failure to carry out repairs on damaged infrastructure and a lack of supervision of other actors, with cascading effects. Due lack of supervision, government, community and private actors lack the incentive to likewise carry out their function appropriately. In the profit-oriented private sector this is particularly problematic, wher...